
Citizen’s Review Panel

Citizen’s Review Panel

In 1996, the U.S. Congress passed legislation mandating Citizen Review Panels (CRP) for child protective services in all states. These panels are composed of citizen-volunteers charged with evaluating state child welfare systems and making suggestions for improvement. The expectations of CRP in examining the policies and procedures of state and local agencies include:

  • Type and extent of social services available for children and families
  • Relationships among agencies (courts, law enforcement, schools)
  • State standards relative to information on what works and what does not work

According to the Mississippi State Level Citizens Review Board, panels shall consist of no less than ten members and no more than 18 members. Panel membership is required to be comprised of a balance of service providers to abused and neglected children and families (including adoption services) and local citizens (including consumers of services of the Child Protective Services system, such as foster parents, former foster children, adoptive parents and parents, as well as interested business and civic representatives, educators, and members of the community at large).