We're Here To Help
Mississippi Department of Child Protection Services is here to help no matter what challenge you are facing. On this page and in the links to the right, you'll find a variety of resources to help you get started.
Tools for Healthy Living
2021/2022 Prevention Resource Guide
The Prevention Resource Guide is a national guide of partners and resources for building strong families and communities and ways to implement the Protective Factors Framework. Please visit
Care Portal
CarePortal is a technology platform designed to connect churches and community partners to families in their community. Lifeline offers CarePortal to partner churches for meeting tangible needs and developing opportunities for relationships and gospel conversations with families near them. For more information, please visit the CarePortal website here.

Mental Health Resources
Mississippi Department of Mental Health’s Division of Children and Youth’s Services Directory, includes MAP Team Coordinators, Residential and Outpatient resources and psychiatric resources for children and youth:
Mississippi Access to Maternal Assistance

In 2023, the Mississippi State Legislature created the Mississippi Access to Maternal Assistance (MAMA) program (SB 2781). Administered by the Office of the Mississippi Attorney General, MAMA is a website and mobile app to connect pregnant women and new mothers with resources available in Mississippi. The list of categories and some of the services available on the website include:
- Pregnancy
- Health
- Adoption
- Food
- Goods
- Safety
- Money
- Child Care