Commissioner's Message

"I accepted the role of Commissioner of the Mississippi Department of Child Protection Services on November 9, 2020, a day that forever changed my life and the life of my family, as this is the greatest challenge I have ever encountered. I did not accept the position lightly, knowing that the work would be difficult and that the stakes are high.
Our mission is to protect children and strengthen families, which includes standing in the shoes of the parent for just under 4,000 live souls. Each day I strive to develop, encourage, and inspire a workforce of professionals who directly serve children and families or support those who do. Every day I throw on my CAPE (core values of Compassion, Accountability, Professionalism, and Excellence) and I challenge my staff to do the same. Our work is too important to not give it our all each and every day. It is truly a new day at MDCPS, and I implore my fellow professionals and all Mississippians to lock arms with us to protect our children by investing in Mississippi families."
Andrea Sanders, Commissioner
Mississippi Department of Child Protection Services